a healthy immune system: essential vitamins and minerals

Healthy Immune System : Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Published on: November 27, 2020

The covid outbreak of 2020 has highlighted the importance of a healthy immune system. The world has resorted to positive changes in the food and lifestyle, to conspicuously build immunity against covid. A robust immune system is a foundation for good health. It protects the human body from foreign bodies such as bacteria, viruses, and other toxins. The integrity of different organs, cells, and proteins that together form an immune system depends on the essential vitamins and minerals. The body is often susceptible to nutrition deficiency on account of a sedentary lifestyle and discretionary food choices. This further leads to the weakening of the immune system. 

A healthy lifestyle teamed with essential vitamins and nutrients is a must to keep infections at bay, and boost immunity. Though it is advisable to consume these nutrients through wholesome meals, our modern-age lifestyle often makes it arduous. Dietary supplements, with a doctor’s discretion, are an alternate way to overcome these deficiencies.

Here is a list of some crucial vitamins and minerals for a healthy immune system.

1. Vitamin C, D, and B6

Vitamins are the predominant factors to build immunity. The lack of these nutrients makes the body vulnerable to foreign bodies, incubating infections.

vitamin c

  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that boosts the immune system and fights infections and chronic diseases. It also strengthens the skin’s barriers, acting as an antioxidant.

    Sources: citric fruits, broccoli, potato, strawberries, peppers, Brussell sprouts

vitamin d

  • Vitamin D increases body resistance against certain diseases in the flu and cold season. It is the most crucial vitamin for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, required for a healthy immune system.

    Sources: sunlight, oily fish, egg yolk, mushrooms

vitamin b6

  • Vitamin B6 is responsible for the biochemical reactions in your body, converting food into energy and keeping the immune system healthy. The deficiency of B6 can reduce the growth and proliferation of lymphocytes, and antibodies, much needed for strong immunity.

    Sources: chicken, peanuts, soya beans, bananas, oats 

2. Probiotics:


70% of our immunity depends on the health of our stomach. Probiotics are good bacteria that help curb the growth of harmful bacteria, improving digestive health, resulting in better absorption of food. Some probiotics have been shown to promote the production of natural antibodies in the body. They may also boost immune cells like the IgA-producing cells, T lymphocytes, and natural killer cells. Probiotics can be consumed in various forms such as yogurts, fermented drinks like kombucha, and even supplements. It is ideal to discuss this with your general physician before consumption.

3. Calcium:


Calcium plays a key role in defense against infectious diseases, Calcium surrounds the foreign bodies and marks it for the immune system players to come and destroy it. Thus in case of a virus attack, the body needs sufficient calcium to assist the white blood cells to combat the virus. If you have sufficient free calcium in the body, the ionized calcium in the bones will remain intact. Thus fevers due to muscle warming are avoided. The calcium in our cells is extremely crucial for the annihilation of bacteria, avert infections, and hence boost immunity

Sources: milk, milk products, leafy vegetables, almonds, brazil nuts

4. Zinc:


Zinc is a mineral responsible for growth and development, neurological functions, fighting infections, and healing wounds. It also helps in keeping inflammation under control. There are a number of ways zinc boosts a healthy immune system. Primarily it activates enzymes that break down proteins in viruses and bacteria so they are less able to spread. Zinc also increases the activation of cells responsible for fighting infection. Excessive zinc can have negative effects. Hence it is advisable to consult a doctor in case of dietary supplements.

Sources: whole grains, beans, nuts, and certain seafood 

5. Iron

iron rich food

Iron is a fundamental element for a healthy immune system and the lack of it can cause anemia. People with iron deficiency are more susceptible to infections. It plays an important role in normal energy metabolism, oxygen transport, cognitive function, and the formation of red blood cells. The red blood cells carry oxygen to our organs and tissues. Thus iron plays an important part. 

Sources: spinach, raisins, legumes, red meat, broccoli, etc, Cooking food in iron cast pans is also a great way to consume iron and boost immunity.

Consumption of essential vitamins and minerals is effective and beneficial for a healthy immune system when done in the right amount and right sources. With the FyndEasy App, you can easily find clinics and health care centers near you in case of consultation for dietary supplements. You can download the app on Google Playstore and the IOS App Store.